Religious Education Committee
The Religious Education Committee seeks to discern the religious education needs within our faith community. The Committee selects and organizes workshops and retreats and serves in an advisory capacity to those in the Meeting involved in education of our adults and youth. It supports those among us who bring the gifts of teaching and leadership to Meeting. The Committee assists the Librarian and teachers/leaders/conveners regarding materials and programs relevant to Quaker education.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is responsible for oversight of the Meeting’s financial health, working with the Meeting to ensure that our financial choices express the Meeting’s interests and principles. The Committee works in cooperation with the Treasurer, who is on the committee, and generates the recommended annual budget, tracks the Meeting’s income and expenditures, supervises the Meeting’s investments, and prepares and explains monthly financial reports for Business Meeting. The Committee meets as needed.
Hospitality Committee
This committee works to ensure comfort and welcome to Friends and visitors at Meeting for Worship. The Committee meets as needed and provide a detailed overview of the necessary tasks for preparing for Meeting for Worship.
Ministry and Counsel Committee
This committee selects its own members from among “seasoned” Friends and attenders, as needed. It is not a committee open for volunteers. Members of the Committee served fixed terms of membership.
The Committee attempts to stay in close touch with the Meeting, discerns needs and issues and provides leadership to meet needs that arise. Additional responsibilities of the Committee include management of the quality of our Meeting for Worship, especially in the areas of worship, prayer, and ministry, and supporting the religious development of members and attenders.
Members of the Ministry and Counsel Committee should be available for individual consultation with members and with seekers facing religious problems or life difficulties. The Committee provides guidance in matters of marriage, membership, and other concerns that require Clearness Committees. The Committee shares concerns with the Clerk of Meeting and may take on tasks requested by the Clerk.
Nominating Committee
The responsibilities of this committee include seeing that the necessary work of the Meeting is covered for the year, supporting the committee interests of all who want to be included in that work, and discerning whether there may be individual gifts within the Meeting that could benefit specific committees. The Committee prepares an annual listing of Committee members, officers, and volunteer representatives to associations [such as SEYM, FCNL, and AFSC] for the year. The major work of this committee occurs in November and December of each year.
Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee: This committee maintains the website of our Meeting and considers whether we are making it easy for others to identify Quakers in Fort Myers. The Committee also responds to the Meeting’s requests for outreach.
Peace and Social Concerns Committee
Friends have always had an intense interest in serving the needs of others in the world community. The Peace and Social Concerns Committee has the responsibility of discerning which peace and social justice projects they recommend to the Meeting, as well as discerning project interests held or rising in the Meeting. The Committee is responsible for guiding the approved projects through to completion, staying in touch with the Meeting as the work develops. Read a more detailed description of the committee’s activities here.
Properties Committee
The Properties Committee is to keep aware of the maintenance and repair needs of our current meeting place. The Committee brings information and recommendations for those needs to Business Meeting for discussion and approval of all such expenditures.
Technology Committee
This newest committee is being established to oversee electronic communication within the Fort Myers Monthly Meeting community. They manage the website, and the Facebook page and assist with Zoom and hybrid meetings when needed. Members of this committee will also be available to consult with individuals concerning technology related to Monthly Meeting participation.