Friends strive to respect and to use God’s gifts wisely. These gifts include our talents and our possessions,
as well as our natural environment.
Friends believe that such gifts are not ours alone. To Friends, good stewardship means taking care of what has been given, not just for ourselves, but for the people around us and for future generations as well. Friends strive to use our gifts in accordance with our beliefs.
We strive to use our resources with care to achieve their greatest effect. We try to conserve resources and to live a simpler life that helps reduce our footprint on this earth.
1. Do we respect life and nature? As human beings, how do we act as caretakers of the Earth?
2. Do we think about what happens to the Earth and its creatures as a result of our own behavior? How can we help make the world a welcoming place for all the different animals and plants we share it with?
3. How can I be a better steward of our environment in my consumption and recycling habits? How can I help others care for the environment?
4. Am I taking good care of my home environment? Our Meeting House? How do I show my regard/respect for those who will use it after me?